Market Image
  Looking for a lens cap? A telephoto lens? A complete outfit? Need a valuation? Want to swap something? Or maybe just advice on that camera that Grandpa had in the cupboard. Come along to our Market and ask - someone will be able to help.

Our Photographic Markets are significant events in the photographic calendar in Australia. They are not just a swap meet for collectors, but a true mix of old and new. Antique Camera & Image dealers rub shoulders with Photographic retailers and private dealers, still, movie & video. Truly daguerreotype to digital. An invaluable source for students after cameras and darkroom gear, a great deal of new and used equipment, all in one place. Many professional photographers sell their excess or out-dated equipment, making professional 35mm and medium format cameras affordable for users and collectors. As the years pass more and more digital equipment can be found.

BOX HILL MARKET 15th SEPTEMBER 2024... Bookings are now open for tables. Details can be found by clicking here where you will find a PDF file that is specific to the September market. Please note those details and to book send an EMAIL to BEFORE 22nd August. Even if you are a regular table holder please provide all the requested details so that we are certain of up to date information. The booking fee for tables at APCS markets includes third party liability insurance.

The public markets are "open" ie buyers do not have to be members of the Society - but of course many attendees become members! Security has become in issue and the Society takes special action to minimise problems - a "bag check" policy is in place for inspection at each market and is enforced. With so many members present, it is inevitable that many specialists are present, and visitors regularly find answers to their questions - technical and commercial. The society has a table where membership etc can be managed and there will always be committee members to assist.

EFTPOS facilities are provided by the Society - and while most transactions are in cash, there can be times when EFTPOS is the only option - sellers without their own EFTPOS facilities can availe themselves of the Society facilities. Specific procedures will be advised on the day.

Almost anything to do with photography and related subjects can be found on the tables. There are always great finds, both vintage collectable and recent usable gear.  For professionals, amateurs and students, there are plenty of "user" items and in these times of technology change there are plenty of digital items for both users and collectors. The admission fee for buyers is $5. See the Booking form (available shortly berfore markets) for details of vendor pricing.

The APCS also holds Members-only markets which are what the title implies... Both the buyers and sellers must be full (financial) members of the APCS. Registration details are circulated to members only. Non-members will need to become members as a condition of entry - the annual membership fee is $50 (see the membership page).